The Committee on Resolutions met and thoroughly reviewed and studied each resolution submitted to the Association. They then sought additional data on several resolutions and conducted further clarification from several authors. After careful consideration, the Committee recommended to the membership that the following actions on the resolutions be adopted as a group, as written.
Resolutions 1-4: Sponsor
Resolution 5-7: Co-Sponsor
Resolution 8-9: Sponsor
The full resolutions are printed in their entirety and available for review in the National Guard Association of Mississippi Office or online below. We recommended the NGAMS fully support and co-sponsor the NGAUS resolutions as written and encouraged NGAUS to pursue these resolutions to the National Guard Bureau, the Department of Defense and the Congress of the United States. All were approved at the 2024 NGAMS Conference.
Lieutenant Colonel Jim Barry and Major Jake Way
Chairs, Committee on Resolutions
5- Acquire & field weapon-mounted, individual marksmanship training systems
6- Purchase “smart” less lethal launchers to state escalation of force capabilities