Southern Beverage Company

Theo P. Costas, Jr.

Southern Beverage believes in the quality of Anheuser-Busch InBev, our craft brewers, and the quality of service to the customers. Neither is sacrificed for any reason. The company is firmly convinced that its belief in and strict adherence to quality and service to its customers is the fundamental, irreplaceable ingredient in its successful performance for more than sixty-five years. Anheuser -Busch InBev’s slogan “Somebody Still Cares About Quality,” is a way of life for our company.

This commitment has seen the company through some rough times. Not being reluctant to change. While other companies have fallen to difficult times and closed their doors, Southern Beverage Company has grown. The company devises innovative ways to use its people and their expertise. But in good times as well as bad, the company has always realized that while you have to do the best you can in the present, the way to greatness is to keep your eyes turned toward the future.