186 ARW Space A Information
The 186 ARW Space-A Office has a flight information recording accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Commercial#: 601-484-9000, Option 4
DSN#: 778-9000, Option 4
The Space-A Office is available every other Monday, and every Tuesday thru Friday from 0800L-1100L, and 1230L-1530L.
Commercial#: 601-484-9970
DSN#: 778-9970
Space-A sign up can be accomplished via fax or email
Commercial Fax# 601-484-9029
DSN Fax#: 778-9029
Email: usaf.ms.186-arw.mbx.space-a-travel@mail.mil
Our mailing address is:
6225 M Street
Meridian MS 39307-7112
The 186ARW has limited accommodations for Space-A travelers:
- No billeting is available, however, there are hotels in the local area.
- No off base transportation is available, however, there are phones available to contact local taxi services
172 AW (Jackson, MS) Space A Travel Information
The 172 AW Space A Office has a Flight Information Recording accessible 24 hrs a day, 7 days a week.
Comm. 601-405-8761
DSN 828-8761
The Space A Travel Office has a representative available every other Monday, and every Tuesday-Friday from 0930L-1130L, and 1200L-1530L.
Comm. 601-405-8761
DSN 828-8761
Space A sign up can be accomplished via fax: Comm. 601-405-8698 DSN 828-8698
E-mail: 172-aw.mbx.space-a@mail.mil
141 Military Drive
Jackson MS 39232
The 172 AW has limited accommodations for Space A travelers:
No billeting is available, however there are several hotels in the local area.
- No transportation off base is available.
- Phones are available 24/7 to contact local taxi services and hotels
Memphis Space A Travel Information
Keesler Air Force Base Space A Travel Information