PACT Act Guidance for Submitting an Intent to File

Guide on Submitting an Intent to File 

Authored by Marjory Harris


Applications for the illnesses that are now covered under the PACT Act can be submitted at any time but an opportunity for back pay (to August 11, 2022) for these illnesses will expire on August 9, 2023.

A listing of the PACT Act live registration events that will be held throughout the state before the August 9, 2023 deadline will be added in the near future..

Because the deadline is so close, the above link provides a guide to show how to submit an Intent to File in the VA system in case anyone needs help but couldn’t or choose not to attend one of the live events.

IMPORTANT: If an Intent to File (Intent is not a completed claim) is submitted through the system that veteran will have one year to complete that application; an example would be that if a veteran files and Intent to File on 1 August 2023 they will have until July 31, 2024 to complete the claim in its entirety. They don’t necessarily need to wait but it will give some time to gather documentation needed to complete the claim. It should also be noted that an illness that is now covered under the PACT Act but was previously denied can be appealed. There are steps in the guide to begin the process for that appeal as well.